Points to study-2


Points to study helps you to remember facts, figures, topics and methodologies that you have covered some time ago. It will also help to increase your confidence and reduce anxiety and you will be well prepared for your examination.

1.       What was the chief component of first generation computer?     

Ans:  Vacuum tube & Valves

2.       Name the Father of Computer Mouse?    

Ans:  Douglas Engelbart

3.       A program that performs a useful task while simultaneously allowing destructive acts is _______?  

Ans:  Trojan Horse

4.       The geometric arrangement of devices on the network is called _____?  

Ans:  Topology

5.       The basic goal of computer process is to convert data into _______?      

Ans:  Information

6.       Where are the CPU and memory located?

Ans:  Motherboard

7.       Who is known as the founder of IBM Company?       

Ans:  Thomas J. Watson

8.       An image on a computer screen is made up of _______?      

Ans:  Pixels

9.       Full form of MAN?      

Ans:  Metropolitan Area Network

10.     Which command in DOS can be used to recover accidentally deleted files?      


11.     A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called _______?   

Ans: Compiler

12.     In which year, the Microsoft company was founded? 

Ans:  1975

13.     What is the personal computer operating system that organizes and uses a graphic desktop environment? 

Ans:  Windows

14.     What are Light pen and joystick?   

Ans:  Input Devices

15.     What is a half byte also called as?   

Ans:  Nibble

16.     SMPS stands for _______?    

Ans:  Switched mode Power Supply

17.     What do we use to change the appearance and positioning of text document in MSWord? 

Ans:  Formatting

18.     A _______ is approximately a million bytes?     

Ans:  Megabyte

19.     Daisy wheel, Drum, chain etc are the _______? 

Ans:  Printers

20.     XML stands for _______?     

Ans:  Extensible Markup Language

21.     What kind of scheme is the HTTP protocol?     

Ans:  Request/Response

22.     Magnetic disk is an example of _______? 

Ans:  Secondary Memory

23.     What is the meaning of OSI, in terms of computers ? 

Ans:  Open system Interconnection

24.     Which type of storage device is a BIOS ? 

Ans:  Primary

25.     What is the extension type of the excel 2007 files?       

Ans:  .xlsx

26.     Collecting personal information and effectively posing as another individual is known as the crime of _______?     

Ans:  Identity theft

27.     The amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document is called _______?

Ans:  Line Spacing

28.     A computer cannot ‘boot’ if it does not have the _______?   

Ans:  Operating system

29.     What is the other name for programmed chip? 

Ans:  LSIC

30.     A normal CD- ROM usually can store up to _______ data? 

Ans:  680 MB

31.     What does DMA stand for?   

Ans:  Direct Memory Access

32.     Full form of LAN?

Ans:  Local Area Network

33.     ASCII stands for _______?   

Ans:  American Standard Code for Information Interchange

34.     Second Generation computers were developed during _______?   

Ans:  1956-65

35.     When did arch rivals IBM and Apple Computers Inc. decide to join hands?   

Ans:  1991

36.     What kind of memory is both static and non-volatile?

Ans:  ROM

37.     An error in software or hardware is called a bug. What is the alternative computer jargon for it?      

Ans:  Glitch

38.     Unwanted repetitious messages, such as unsolicited bulk e-mail is known as _______?   

Ans:  Spam

39.     The common name for the crime of stealing passwords is _______?

Ans:  Spoofing

40.     BIOS stands for _______?     

Ans:  Basic Input Output System

41.     Who is regarded as Father of “C” programming language?

Ans:  Dennis Ritchie

42.     RAM can be treated as the _______ for the computer’s processor.

Ans:  Waiting Room

43.     Computers manipulate data in many ways, and this manipulation is called _______?   

Ans:  Processing

44.     Joshy, Perfumes are examples of _______?       

Ans:  Viruses

45.     The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminal’s computer is an example of a law enforcement specialty called ____?      

Ans:  Computer Forensics

46.     Where does most data go first with in a computer memory hierarchy?   

Ans:  RAM

47.     Help Menu is available at which button? 

Ans:  Start

48.     Which file contains permanent data and gets updated during the processing of transactions?      

Ans:  Master File

49.     A DVD is an example of an _______?       

Ans:  Optical Disc

50.     Which is most common tool used to restrict access to computer system? 

Ans:  Passwords

51.     The technology that stores only essential instructions on a microprocessor chip and thus enhances its speed is referred as _______?   

Ans:  RISC

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