Q ➤ 1) What is the Shortcut key to Row Hide? Ans ➤ Ctrl + 9
Q ➤ 2) is the Shortcut key to Unhide Row Ans ➤ Ctrl + Shift+ (
Q ➤ 3) What is the Shortcut key to Column Hide Ans ➤ Ctrl + 0
Q ➤ 4) What is the Shortcut key to Unhide Column Ans ➤ Ctrl + Shift+ )
Q ➤ 5) What is the Shortcut key to Select an entire Row Ans ➤ Shift + Space
Q ➤ 6) What is the Shortcut key to Select an entire Column Ans ➤ Ctrl + Space
Q ➤ 7) Outline view is used to Ans ➤ Chapter wise heading, Heading Show, Content Show
Q ➤ 8) Which files is/are most essential in every computer? Ans ➤ IOSYS, MSDOS.SYS and Command.com
Q ➤ 9) Netscape Navigator is a Ans ➤ Web Browser
Q ➤ 10) What is not related with Database? Ans ➤ Marco
Q ➤ 11) In which data will be creased as power supply is offAns ➤ = RAM
Q ➤ 12) In which object SQL in Used Ans ➤ = query
Q ➤ 13) After copying how many times can you paste the content? Ans ➤ = Many
Q ➤ 14) What will do by filter? Ans ➤ = Display the records that meet the criteria
Q ➤ 15) How many sheets are there in MS-Excel? Ans ➤ = Many
Q ➤ 16) The function of relationship Ans ➤ = Relate multiple Table
Q ➤ 17) What is the function of query? Ans ➤ = Filter/Sort
Q ➤ 18) Which option provides user to create separate character format? Ans ➤ = Create section Break
Q ➤ 19) Full form of E-R Diagram Ans ➤ = Entity Relationship Diagram
Q ➤ 20) Which menu provides apply design in power point? Ans ➤ = Format
Q ➤ 21) What is the combination of characters and paragraph formatting? Ans ➤ = Style
Q ➤ 22) How many tracks and sectors contain MFFD? Ans ➤ =40,9
Q ➤ 23) Which one is sequential access device? Ans ➤ = Magnetic Tape
Q ➤ 24) How do you create newspaper column? Ans ➤ = Format Menu
Q ➤ 25) Which command is used to copy file my file doc from floppy disk to hard disk Ans ➤ = Copy a:/my file doc c:
Q ➤ 26) Modem is used for Ans ➤ = Data Transfer
Q ➤ 27) Which of is unique key? Ans ➤ = Primary Key
Q ➤ 28) Which program translates one line at time? Ans ➤ = Interpreter
Q ➤ 29) Which one displays antonyms and synonyms?Ans ➤ = Tools/ Language/ Thesaurus or SHIFT + F7
Q ➤ 30) Work space is a Ans ➤ = Collection of workbook.
Q ➤ 31) Which character fixes row or column? Ans ➤ = $
Q ➤ 32) Which object used table report.....? Ans ➤ = Switch Board
Q ➤ 33) In which menu we can modify foot note? Ans ➤ =View Menu
Q ➤ 34) Where does text box lies? Ans ➤ = Drawing Tool Bars
Q ➤ 35) Information super highway is known as Ans ➤ = Very wide band width for data communication
Q ➤ 36) ASCII is used in which code? Ans ➤ = Binary Code
Q ➤ 37) Which device connected to CPU and users? Ans ➤ = Peripheral
Q ➤ 38) Which is ROM software? Ans ➤ = Firmware
Q ➤ 39) In Access to insert picture the data type is usedAns ➤ = OLE
Q ➤ 40) Where is merge cell tab allocated?Ans ➤ = Home tab > Alignment group
Q ➤ 41) Restrict to data base file use to another user we protect fromAns ➤ = Exclusive Mode
Q ➤ 42) Font folder is located on Ans ➤ = Windows folder
Q ➤ 43) Which option in PowerPoint allows slide to carry slide from one computer to another computerAns ➤ = pack and go
Q ➤ 44) Command is associate with Ans ➤ = Shortcut Key
Q ➤ 45) In access table, which components are exist?Ans ➤ =Column & Row
Q ➤ 46) When you insert a column in excel when does the previous column moves? Ans ➤ =Right Side
Q ➤ 47) Filter is available in Ans ➤ =Tools menu
Q ➤ 48) Which shortcut key is used to column break?Ans ➤ = Ctrl + Shift+Enter
Q ➤ 49) In Access which wild card is not mostly used? Ans ➤ = @
Q ➤ 50) Which menu is used to edit the Footnotes? Ans ➤ = View Menu
Q ➤ 51) Which standard is used for converting key stroke into corresponding bits? Ans ➤ = ANSI
Q ➤ 52) The information of cell gives on Ans ➤ = Formula Bar
Q ➤ 53) The arrangement of elements such as Title and subtitle text, pictures, tables etc. is called......Ans ➤ = layout
Q ➤ 54) From which technology CD-ROM formed? Ans ➤ = Optical
Q ➤ 55) In MS-Access, you can enter data in a table in Ans ➤ = Datasheet View
Q ➤ 56) Speed of Printer measure in Ans ➤ =PPM (Pages per Minute)
Q ➤ 57) In display unit the ratio 1024 x 800 is known asAns ➤ =Aspect ratio
Q ➤ 58) ASCII value of character 'a' is 97 and 'A' is Ans ➤ =65
Q ➤ 59) Cache is faster memory but the fastest memory is Ans ➤ =Register
Q ➤ 60) POST stands by Ans ➤ =Power on Self-Test
Q ➤ 61) An IP address in IPV4 is 4 bytes but in IPV6 is Ans ➤ =16 bytes
Q ➤ 62) Highest speed network media is Ans ➤ = Optical Fiber
Q ➤ 63) What is the maximum number of slides that can be printed in handouts? Ans ➤ = 9
Q ➤ 64) Data definition Language (DDL) includes Ans ➤ =CREATE, ALTER, DROP
Q ➤ 65) The default subnet masks for the class 3 networks Ans ➤ =
Q ➤ 66) To copy the hidden system files of DOS to another disk you can use the command Ans ➤ =Sys
Q ➤ 67) Which command is used to confirm before deleting the directory? Ans ➤ = Deltree/f
Q ➤ 68) Which is the best tool for fixing error on disk? Ans ➤ =Scandisk
Q ➤ 69) What is the name of the batch file that automatically runs when MS-DOS is booted? Ans ➤ =Autoexec.bat
Q ➤ 70) Which command is used to display a list of deleted files that DOS can undelete? Ans ➤ = Undelete/list
Q ➤ 71) Which features of Ms-Word enables to send the same letter to different persons? Ans ➤ =Mail Merge
Q ➤ 72) What is the shortcut key to display field codes? Ans ➤ = Alt + F9
Q ➤ 73) What is placed to the left of horizontal scroll bar?Ans ➤ =Tab Stop Buttons
Q ➤ 74) What is the maximum number of lines set for Lines to drop box?Ans ➤ = 10
Q ➤ 75) Available in font spacing Ans ➤ = Normal, Condensed and Expanded
Q ➤ 76) Which is an absolute cell references? Ans ➤ =$A$1
Q ➤ 77) Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called....Ans ➤ =Referencing
Q ➤ 78) Multiple calculations can be made in a single formula usingAns ➤ = Array Formula
Q ➤ 79) Used to select multiple non-adjacent cell in a worksheetAns ➤ Ctrl Key
Q ➤ 80) Charts in worksheet itself itself is known asAns ➤ =Embedded Chart
Q ➤ 81) The technique which defines a set values acceptable for the field is known as Ans ➤ = Validation
Q ➤ 82) To speed up the search and sorting for a specific name in fieldAns ➤ = Indexing
Q ➤ 83) Page number inserted as Ans ➤ = Footer
Q ➤ 84) Which is not valid layout of MS-Word? Ans ➤ = Form Layout
Q ➤ 85) 3D references in formula Ans ➤ =Span Worksheet
Q ➤ 86) Word wrap features Ans ➤ = Set text inside the fixed margin
Q ➤ 87) How can you create a uniform appearance by adding a background image to all slides? Ans ➤ = Edit the slide master
Q ➤ 88) The property of object of PowerPoint Ans ➤ =Slide Layout
Q ➤ 89) Format copy is done by Ans ➤ = Format Painter
Q ➤ 90) Slide Master lies in which of the following menu? Ans ➤ =View/Master/Slide Master
Q ➤ 91) XOR Operation of the binary number A=111001 and B=100101Ans ➤ = 011100
Q ➤ 92) Function of Goal seeksAns ➤ = Method of finding input value to meet target
Q ➤ 93) To arrange name list in Sequential order is Ans ➤ = Sorting
Q ➤ 94) What is the maximum size of a file that can open Ans ➤ =512 MB
Q ➤ 95) Which object (component) interact users with application?Ans ➤ = Query
Q ➤ 96) Which view is used to create table fields? Ans ➤ = Design View
Q ➤ 97) Mail Merge is concerned with: Ans ➤ = Combing main document with data files
Q ➤ 98) How do you display current date and time in MS Excel?Ans ➤ =Now()
Q ➤ 99) Which operator will combine text from two cells into one cell?Ans ➤ = & (Ampersand)
Q ➤ 100) Database that contain table linked by common field isAns ➤ = Relational Database
Q ➤ 101) The insertion point in a table can be moved by using :Ans ➤ = Arrow key, Tab Key, Shift + Tab Key
Q ➤ 102) Which is a popular DOS based spreadsheet package?Ans ➤ = Lotus 1-2-3
Q ➤ 103) What term refers to a collection of related information?Ans ➤ = Database
Q ➤ 104) A DBMS allows you to create and maintain a database, create reports, and develop application programs Ans ➤ = Query Language
Q ➤ 105) Present data in a way similar to an excel spreadsheetAns ➤ = Datasheet View
Q ➤ 106) In PowerPoint this is a container for text or graphics Ans ➤ = Text Box
Q ➤ 107) Page set up for slide is available on Ans ➤ = Design Menu
Q ➤ 108) A Word Wide Web contains web pages:Ans ➤ = Residing in many computers linked together using HTML
Q ➤ 109) What do you call the translator which takes High level Language Program as Input &produce machine level language as Output?Ans ➤ = Compiler
Q ➤ 110) The program that is as permanent as hardware & stored in ROM is known as Ans ➤ = Firmware
Q ➤ 111) What is the first stage in software development?Ans ➤ =System Analysis
Q ➤ 112) How many pair cables does RJ45 UTP cable have? Ans ➤ = 4 pair
Q ➤ 113) Through which device do the main component of the computer communicate with each other? Ans ➤ = System Bus
Q ➤ 114) Which device is only used in LAN? Ans ➤ = NIC
Q ➤ 115) When a computer is first turn or restarted, a special type of absolute loader called is executed? Ans ➤ = Bootstrap Loader
Q ➤ 116) Which is the best tool for fixing errors on disks? Ans ➤ = SCANDISK
Q ➤ 117) In MS-Word, You can convert the document file format by applying the command Ans ➤ = Save as
Q ➤ 118) What is the thesaurus used for? Ans ➤ = Synonyms & Antonyms
Q ➤ 119) What do you mean by vertical separation between columns? Ans ➤ = Margin
Q ➤ 120) What types of data found in spreadsheet? Ans ➤ = Number, Formula & Label
Q ➤ 121) To merge the cells which tab do you use from the format, cell menu? Ans ➤ = Alignment Tab
Q ➤ 122) Which view shows all the slides at once? Ans ➤ = Slide Sorter View
Q ➤ 123) Email uses.....protocol to transfer data from client to email server. Ans ➤ = SMTP
Q ➤ 124) Actual execution of instruction in a computer take places in Ans ➤ = ALU
Q ➤ 125) The error that can be pointed out by the compiler are Ans ➤ = Syntax Errors
Q ➤ 126) The number of pixels displayed on a screen Ans ➤ = Resolution
Q ➤ 127) The default row height in a MS Excel worksheet Ans ➤ =12.75
Q ➤ 128) In MS-Excel, Comment put in cells Ans ➤ = Cell Tip
Q ➤ 129) Which command is used to insert duplicate slide in current presentation? Ans ➤ = Ctrl +D
Q ➤ 130) Refers to the way things are arranged on a slide Ans ➤ =Slide Layout
Q ➤ 131) Unicode Standard is Ans ➤ = Character Encoding System
Q ➤ 132) A4 Size of Paper is Ans ➤ = 8.27" x 11.69"
Q ➤ 133) Display the fond Dialogue box Ans ➤ = Ctrl + Shift + P
Q ➤ 134) Underline the words Ans ➤ = Ctrl + Shift + W
Q ➤ 135) Double Underline Ans ➤ = Crtl + Shift + D
Q ➤ 136) Change the formatted text into normal Format Ans ➤ =Ctrl + Spacebar
Q ➤ 137) The fastest memory of Computer is Ans ➤ = Register
Q ➤ 138) Nerve Center of Computer is Ans ➤ = Control Unit
Q ➤ 139) Leader character is associated with Ans ➤ = Tab
Q ➤ 140) Page formatting which is used frequently in future isAns ➤ = Template
Q ➤ 141) Increase the readability of text Ans ➤ = Bullet and Numbering
Q ➤ 142) A computer program that translate one program instructions at a time into machine language Ans ➤ =Interpreter
Q ➤ 143) Who invented the high level Language C? Ans ➤ = Denis M. Ritchie
Q ➤ 144) Device that can be used directly image printed text Ans ➤ =OCR
Q ➤ 145) Used to display Help Document Ans ➤ = F1
Q ➤ 146) Shortcut key to open the thesaurus window Ans ➤ =Shift+F7
Q ➤ 147) Tools use to set indents or tab Ans ➤ = Ruler
Q ➤ 148) Keystrokes lets us recalculate the formula Ans ➤ =F9
Q ➤ 149) Workbook is collection of Ans ➤ = Worksheet and charts
Q ➤ 150) Display the current cell address in the Ans ➤ = Name box
Q ➤ 151) Language used to create macros in excel Ans ➤ = Visual Basic
Q ➤ 152) Any request for data from a database Ans ➤ =Query
Q ➤ 153) Tuple is equivalent to a Ans ➤ = Record
Q ➤ 154) The sorting and indexing must be performed according toAns ➤ = Key field
Q ➤ 155) CMS in web page stand for Ans ➤ =Content Management System
Q ➤ 156) The smallest resolvable part of a picture Ans ➤ = Pixel
Q ➤ 157) Memory is made up of Ans ➤ = Large number of cells
Q ➤ 158) Number of recent files that can display on file menu at Maximum Ans ➤ = 9
Q ➤ 159) Full form of SQL Ans ➤ = Structured Query Language
Q ➤ 160) Address given to a computer connected to a network Ans ➤ = IP Address
Q ➤ 161) Device that provide input or output to computer Ans ➤ = Peripheral
Q ➤ 162) When a key is pressed on the keyboard, the standard is normally used for converting the keystroke into the corresponding bits Ans ➤ =ANSI
Q ➤ 163) Default text editor in windows Ans ➤ = Notepad
Q ➤ 164) Available paragraph spacing Ans ➤ = Single, double, multiple
Q ➤ 165) Create double underline Ans ➤ =Crtl + Shift + D
Q ➤ 166) The Principle of locality of reference justifies the use Ans ➤ = Cache Memory
Q ➤ 167) The graphic solution for Word ProcessingAns ➤ = clipart
Q ➤ 168) Function to get sum of the content of the cells A1,A2, B1,B2 isAns ➤ = SUM(A1:B2)
Q ➤ 169) Graphical representation of worksheet data Ans ➤ =Graph
Q ➤ 170) Flash memory is derived from Ans ➤ =EEPROM
Q ➤ 171) Human eye perceives flickering if refresh rate of monitorAns ➤ =60Hz
Q ➤ 172) Memory that need refresh Ans ➤ DRAM
Q ➤ 173) Real time operating system work with Ans ➤ = Time constraint
Q ➤ 174) Multiple files with same name and extension can be inAns ➤ =Recycle Bin
Q ➤ 175) Shortcut key to Switch to the next tab Ans ➤ Ctrl + Tab
Q ➤ 176) Before creating a master document, you must switch toAns ➤ =Outline View
Q ➤ 177) a) The Cell Reference $A$5 Ans ➤ Absolute Reference
Q ➤ b) The Cell Reference A5 Ans ➤ = Relative Reference
Q ➤ c) The Cell Reference $A5 Ans ➤ = Mix Reference
Q ➤ 178) Creating a chart from selected cell range Ans ➤ =F11
Q ➤ 179) Filter is used Ans ➤ = Extract the record that meet given criteria
Q ➤ 180) In order to perform a calculation is spared sheet, you need to use a Ans ➤ = Formula
Q ➤ 181) If you want a logo in the same position on every slide, automatically insert in on the Ans ➤ = Slide master
Q ➤ 182) Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation Ans ➤ = Transitions
Q ➤ 183) The quickest way to create a PowerPoint presentation is used toAns ➤ = Auto content wizard
Q ➤ 184) The main function of a browser is to Ans ➤ = Interpret HTML
Q ➤ 185) is a Ans ➤ = Loop-back Address
Q ➤ 186) Redirecting a web link to a different address is a form ofAns ➤ = Spoofing
Q ➤ 187) Instruction and memory are Ans ➤ = Binary Coded
Q ➤ 188) A field that uniquely identified a record Ans ➤ =Key Field
Q ➤ 189) Used to speed of data retrieval Ans ➤ = Indexing
Q ➤ 190) To enter speaker comments one has to be in Ans ➤ =Note Page View
Q ➤ 191) A small intelligent device is so called because it contains within it a Ans ➤ =Sensor
Q ➤ 192) An approach that permits the computer to work on several programs instead on one Ans ➤ = Over Lapped Processing
Q ➤ 193) Key used to edit the text of active cell Ans ➤ = F2
Q ➤ 194) The PID of Kernel process is Ans ➤ = 0
Q ➤ 195) A set of Flip-flop integrated together Ans ➤ = Register
Q ➤ 196) The main component of computer communicate through Ans ➤ = System Bus
Q ➤ 197) Single point in computer screen Ans ➤ = Pixel
Q ➤ 198) Access method used to access cassette tape Ans ➤ = Sequential
Q ➤ 199) Time during which a job processed by computer Ans ➤ = Execution Time
Q ➤ 200) The memory has shortest access of time Ans ➤ Cache Memory
Q ➤ 201) Pressing F8 three times Ans ➤ = Select a sentence
Q ➤ 202) Function that will calculate the number of workdays between 6/9/2004 and 8/12/2004? Ans ➤ = NETWORKDAYS
Q ➤ 203) Each IP packet contain Ans ➤ = Source and Destination address
Q ➤ 204) Ethernet address is Ans ➤ 48 bits
Q ➤ 205) A specific set of values saved with the workbook Ans ➤ Scenario
Q ➤ 206) Objects on the slide that hold text Ans ➤ = Placeholder
Q ➤ 207) A row or number used to identify storage location Ans ➤ = Address
Q ➤ 208) Printer that suitable for printing sprocket fed carbon copyAns ➤ = Dot Matrix Printer
Q ➤ 209) Used to identify a user who returns to a websiteAns ➤ = Cookies
Q ➤ 210) The size of source and destination IP address in IP headerAns ➤ =32 bits
Q ➤ 211) The memory which is programed only at the time of manufacture is Ans ➤ =ROM
Q ➤ 212) IPv6 Address Ans ➤ = 128 bits
Q ➤ 213) Location where first computer instruction available on boot up Ans ➤ =BIOS
Q ➤ 214) Number of bits ib Nepali Unicode is Ans ➤ = 32 bits
Q ➤ 215) In NIC specification 10/100/1000 refers to Ans ➤ Megabits per Seconds
Q ➤ 216) RS_232 is a standard that applies to Ans ➤ = Serial Port
Q ➤ 217) The ghosted test behind the content on the page Ans ➤ = Watermark
Q ➤ 218) An error is also known as Ans ➤ = Bug
Q ➤ 219) Computer is identified by Ans ➤ =IP Address
Q ➤ 220) A portion of document in which you set certain page formatting option Ans ➤ = Section
Q ➤ 221) Enable to move directly to specific location in a documentAns ➤ = Cross References
Q ➤ 222) Featured use to monitoring all document changes Ans ➤ = Track Change
Q ➤ 223) Maximum width of border or a page border can be Ans ➤ = 6 pt
Q ➤ 224) Last column header in excel 2007 Ans ➤ = XFD
Q ➤ 225) Change vertical alignment Ans ➤ = Page set up dialogue box
Q ➤ 226) To copy the format from a text Ans ➤ = Ctrl + Shift + C
Q ➤ 227) Print preview Ans ➤ = Alt + Ctrl + I
Q ➤ 228) Distortion in a signal is Ans ➤ = Phase
Q ➤ 229) The instructions for starting the computer are housed on Ans ➤ =Random Excess Memory
Q ➤ 230) Part of the operating system Ans ➤ = Kernel
Q ➤ 231) Delete any content directly without consuming the space of recycle bin Ans ➤ = Shift + Delete
Q ➤ 232) Modify using the slide master Ans ➤ =Slide Transition
Q ➤ 233) To insert function in excel Ans ➤ =Shift + F3
Q ➤ 234) Function of scenario Ans ➤ = What if analysis
Q ➤ 235) Resolution of XGA is Ans ➤ = 1024x768
Q ➤ 236) Command is used to change the computer in Safe Mode Ans ➤ =F8
Q ➤ 237) Use to display the Marco dialog box Ans ➤ = Alt + F8
Q ➤ 238) The short cut key to change the case is Ans ➤ = Shift + F3
Q ➤ 239) Excel Date format is Ans ➤ = mm/dd/yy
Q ➤ 240) The number of byte that can be stored on each track Ans ➤ = Density
Q ➤ 241) The memory has higher access time in memory hierarchyAns ➤ = Magnetic Tape
Q ➤ 242) The combinational of logic circuit that accepts multiple inputs and transmit single outputAns ➤ = Multiplexer
Q ➤ 243) Function of goal seek Ans ➤ =Method of finding input value to meet target
Q ➤ 244) Which one is the last column? Ans ➤ = IV
Q ➤ 245) First Intel microprocessor developed in 1971 Ans ➤ =Intel 4004
Q ➤ 246) Oldest spreadsheet package Ans ➤ = VisiCalc
Q ➤ 247) For end field in the process of merging the key use Ans ➤ = F9
Q ➤ 248) Cable can transmit data in the form of light wave Ans ➤ = Optic Fiber
Q ➤ 249) File format supported to all programs Ans ➤ =.RTF
Q ➤ 250) The default size of text field Ans ➤ = 50