Model Set-5


Digital Nepal 69

Model Set-5

1. Which of the following is the default page setup orientation for notes pages, outlines and handouts?

A. Vertical

B. Landscape

C. Portrait

D. None of above


2. Which of the following is the default page setup orientation for slides in power point?

A. Vertical

B. Landscape

C. Portrait

D. None of above


3. How can you get your photo album slide show to play continuously?

A. Use random slide transition

B. Launch an online broadcast

C. Loop continuously

D. All of above


4. What are symbols used to identify items in a list?

A. Icons

B. Markers

C. Bullets

D. Graphics


5. The toolbars that are displayed by default in the power point window includes

A. Menu bar, standard toolbar, formatting toolbar, drawing toolbar, status bar

B. Menu bar, standard toolbar, formatting toolbar, drawing toolbar, status bar

C. Standard toolbar, formatting toolbar, drawing toolbar, status bar

D. Menu bar, standard toolbar, status bar, drawing toolbar


6. Objects on the slide that hold text are called

A. Placeholders

B. Object holders

C. Auto layout

D. Text holders


7. You have got a bunch of digital holiday photo you want to put into a slide show. What

the quickest method?

A. Apply a multiple-picture layout to several slides, and use the clipart icon on the slides to

Import your picture

B. On the insert menu, point to the picture, click from file, and select your picture in a group

For each slide

C. On the insert menu, point the picture and click new photo album

D. All of the above

8. How would you create the following diagram in power point

A. Use auto shapes and the drawing toolbar to create the diagram and design it

B. Open the diagram gallery from the drawing toolbar and choose this diagram type

C. Use the chart command on the insert menu to import the diagram

D. All of above


9. Which of he following provides a means of printing out features notes with a

Miniature slide on a printed page?

A. Slides with animation

B. Outline view

C. Notes page

D. Audience handout


10. Which command brings you to the first slide in your presentation?

A. Next slide button

B. Page up

C. Ctrl + home

D. Ctrl + end


11.You were giving your presentation, and you need to click a slide that’s few slides back.

How do you get there?

A. Press ESC to get back into a normal view; click the slide thumbnail in normal view; then

Click the resume slide show button

B. Press backspace until your desired slide

C. Right click, point to go on the shortcut menu, point to by title, and click the slide you want to go to

D. All of above


12. Which of the following should you do to bring a bullet back to a previous level?

A. Press the shift + tab keys

B. Press the shift key

C. Press the enter key

D. Press the tab key


13. Good design determines

A. Credibility

B. Readability

C. First impression

D. All of above


14. To make a selection of slides on our presentation, use a different design template from

The other slides, what do you do?

A. Select the slides thumbnails in that section, and apply a different color scheme

B. Select the slide thumbnails in that section and apply a different design template

C. Select one of the slide in the section you want to change, customize the fonts and colors, and

Use the format painter tool to apply those styles to the other slides in the section

D. All of above


15. Your presentation is ready to go, but you don’t know if powerpoint is installed on the

Computer, you will use to present with what’s the safe way

A. Save your presentation as a web page

B. Set up your presentation to be ”browse as a kiosk”

C. Use the Pack and Go wizard

D. All of the above


16. The view that displays the slides of a presentation as miniature representations of the

Slides is called

A. Slide show

B. Slide sorter view

C. Notes page view

D. Outline view


17. The power point view that displays only text (title and bullets) is:

A. Slide show

B. Slide sorter view

C. Notes page view

D. Outline view


18. Which of the following provides a printed copy of your presentation?

A. Outlines

B. Speaker notes

C. Audience handouts

D. All of above


19. Presentation designs regulate the formatting and layout for the slide and are

Commonly called

A. Design templates

B. Templates

C. Placeholders

D. Blueprints


20. Which of the following should you use if you want all the slides in the presentation to

Have the same look?

A. The slid layout option

B. The add a slide option

C. Outline view

D. A presentation design template


21. Line spacing refers to

A. The space between the lines of text

B. The height of the line

C. The length of the line

D. A and C both

22. Which of the following uses the spelling and grammar feature to indicate an incorrect


A. The incorrect word appears in all capital letters

B. The incorrect word has a wavy red line under it

C. The incorrect word appears italicized

D. The incorrect word appears bold


23. Which of the following bypasses the print dialog box when printing individual slides

Or an entire presentation?

A. File, Print Preview

B. The print button

C. File, print

D. Ctrl + P


24.The handout master contains placeholders fro all of the following except

A. Slide number

B. Title

C. Footer

D. Header


25. How do you add degrees of transparency to shapes such as arrows, so that the slide

Background shows though?

A. Use #D style 4 button on the drawing toolbar

B. Use the Set Transparent Color button on the Picture toolbar

C. Use the Transparency slider in the Format auto shapes dialog box

D. All of above


Answer Sheet:

1. C. Portrait

2. B. Landscape

3. C. Loop continuously

4. C. Bullets

5. B. Menu bar, standard toolbar, formatting toolbar, drawing toolbar, status bar

6. A. Placeholders

7. C. On the insert menu, point the picture and click new photo album

8. B. Open the diagram gallery from the drawing toolbar and choose this diagram type

9. D. Audience handout

10. C. Ctrl + home

11. C. Right click, point to go on the shortcut menu, point to by title, and click the slide you want to go to

12. A. Press the shift + tab keys

13. D. All of above

14. B. Select the slide thumbnails in that section and apply a different design template

15. C. Use the Pack and Go wizard

16. B. Slide sorter view

17. D. Outline view

18. C. Audience handouts

19. B. Templates

20. D. A presentation design template

21. A. The space between the lines of text

22. B. The incorrect word has a wavy red line under it

23. B. The print button

24. B. Title

25. C. Use the Transparency slider in the Format auto shapes dialog box


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