PSC Assistant Computer Operator 2071


Public Service Commission

Assistant Computer Operator  2071

Competitive Written Exam Held on 2070-03-17

1.    Which of the following function key activates the Thesaurus?
a) F5                                                             

b) F7
c) Shift+F7                                                   

d) F9

2.    Mail Merge is used to
a) Combine two mails and create a word document
b) Combine static information in one document with variable information in another document
c) Combine mail in outlook express with word document
d) Combine static contents of two documents

3.    Ctrl+ Shift+D is used for?
a) Double Underline                               

b) Wave underline
c) Dotted Underline                                  

d) Dash Underline

4.    AutoCorrect was originally designed to replace_______ words as you type.
a) Short, repetitive                                   

b) Grammatically incorrect
c) Misspelled                                          

d) None of the above

5.    A character that is raised and smaller above the baseline is known as?
a) Outlined                                                

b) Raised
c) Superscript                                         

d) Subscript

6.    What is the smallest and largest font size available in Font Size tool on formatting toolbar?
a) 8 and 72                                               

b) 8 and 64
c) 12 and 72                                             

d) none of above

7.    What is the shortcut key used for paste a content in windows word
a) Ctrl+L                                                    

b) Ctrl+P
c) Ctrl+V                                                  

d) Ctrl+O

8.    Which feature is commonly used for creating newspaper like format?
a) Newspaper                                            

b) Row
c) Column                                                 

d) Format as newspaper

9.    Workbook is a collection of?
a) cells                                                     

b) worksheet
c) Workspaces                                        

d) Projects

10. Short-cut key to bring format cells dialog box is :
a) Ctrl+F                                                 

b) Ctrl+E
c) Ctrl+1                                                 

d) Ctrl+D

11. The cell reference $A$5 is a………..?
a) Relative cell reference                       

b) Absolute cell reference
c) Mixed cell reference                          

d) None of above

12. Function to get sum of the contents of the cells A1, A2, B1, B2 is ……?
a) =SUM(A1+A2+B1+B2)                      

b) =SUM(A1:B2)
c) =TOTAL(A1..B2)                               

d) =SUM(A1,B2)

13. To edit the contents of cell ……?
a) Press F2                                            

b) Double click on cell
c) Click on formula bar                          

d) All the above

14. Graphical representation of worksheet data
a) Pivot Table                                         

b) Goal Seek
c) Graph                                                 

d) Scenario

15.  Filter option is used to ……..?
a) Arrange data in alphabetical order      

b) Arrange data in numeric order
c) Arrange data chronological order 

d) Extract the records that meet given criteria

16. The formula =IF(A1>B1, A1-B1, B1-A1) gives
a) Larger one from cell A1 and B1           

b) Positive difference of A1 and B1
c) Contents of A1                                     

d) Contents of B1

17. What is the short cut key to select entire row in Excel sheet?
a) Ctrl+ Spacebar                                     

b) Alt+Spacebar
c) Shift+ Spacebar                                 

d) Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar

18. In Excel worksheet the Name Box:
a) Appears to the right of the menu bar     

b) Appears to the bottom of the menu bar
c)Appears to the left of the formula bar                                     .

d) Appears with status bar

19. Short-cut key Ctrl+Shift+; inserts ….. at the current cell.
a) Current Date                                                                                      

b) Current Time
c) =TOTAL(A1..B2)                                                                                

d) =SUM(A1,B2)

20. A box that identifies the patterns or colors that are assigned to the data series or categories in a chart
a) Data label                                                                                            

b) Title
c) Data series                                                                                           

d) Legend

21. What are the different views to display a table :
a) Datasheet View                                                                                

b) Design View
c) Pivot Table & Pivot Chart View                                                    

d) All of above

22. Which of the field has width 8 bytes?
a) Memo                                                                                                  

b) Number
c)Date and time                                                                                    

d) Hyperlink

23. Two tables can be linked with relationship so that the data integrity can be enforced. Where can you find Relationship command?
a) File Menu                                                                                            

b) View Menu
c) Database Menu                                                                                 

d) Tools Menu

24. Which Key combination is used to save slides?
a) Ctrl+R                                                                                                    

b) Ctrl + X
c) Ctrl + S                                                                                                  

d) Ctrl + W

25. A file which contains readymade styles that can be used for a presentation is called
a) Auto Style                                                                                            

b) Template
c) Wizard                                                                                                  

d) Pre formatting

26. Which of the following devices can be used to directly image printed text?
a) OCR                                                                                                       

b) OMR
c) MICR                                                                                                     

d) All of above

27. The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from ……….
a) Primary Memory                                                                               

b) Control section
c) External Memory                                                                             

d) Cache Memory

28. Memory address are represented by:
a) Character code                                                                                  

b) Binary Codes
c) Binary word                                                                                        

d) Parity bit

29. Programs designed to perform specific task is known as
a) System software                                                                               

b) Application Software
c) Utility programs                                                                                

d) Operating system

30. Time during which a job is processed by the computer is.
a) Delay Times                                                                                        

b) Real Time
c) Execution time                                                                                 

d) Down Time

31. The term gigabyte refers to
a) 1024 bytes                                                                                          

b) 1024 kilobytes
c) 1024 megabytes                                                                               

d) 1024 gigabyte

32. To produce high quality graphic (hardcopy) in color, you would want to use a/n
a) RGB monitor                                                                                       

b) Plotter
c) Ink-jet printer                                                                                    

d) Laser printer

33. In the IBM PC-AT, what do the words AT stand for
a) Additional Terminals                                                                        

b) Advance technology
c) Applied technology                                                                         

d) Advanced terminology

34. An error in computer data is called
a) Chip                                                                                                        

b) Bug

d) Storage device

35. IBM 1401 is
a) First Generation Computer                                                          

b) Second Generation Computer
c) Third Generation Computer                                                        

d) Fourth Generation Computer

36. UNIVAC is
a) Universal Automatic Computer                                                

b) Universal Array Computer
c) Unique Automatic Computer                                                      

d) Unvalued Automatic Computer

37. EBCDIC stands for
a) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
b) Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code
c) Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code
d) Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code

38. Which of the following is first generation of computer?
a) EDSAC                                                                                                   

b) IBM-1401
c) CDC-1604                                                                                             

d) ICL-2900

39. Which of the following memories has the shortest access times?
a) Cache Memory                                                                                 

b) Magnetic Bubble Memory
c) Magnetic Core Memory                                                                

d) RAM

40. In windows, to check disk for error and to repair, one can use
a) Disk Defragmenter                                                                          

b) Format
c) Scandisk                                                                                               

d) Antivirus

41. The procedure to close the computer is called
a) Close                                                                                                     

b) Exit
c) Go                                                                                                           

d) Shutdown

42. In MS Window to cycle through programs currently running, one can use
a) Shift + Tab                                                                                           

b) Ctrl + Tab
c) Alt + Tab                                                                                              

d) Tab

43. To set local time and day-light saving in MS Window one has to open_____ in control panel
a) Fonts                                                                                                     

b) Add Remove Program
c) Display                                                                                                   

d) Regional Setting

44. Operating system is also known as:
a) Database                                                                                              

b) System software
c) Hardware                                                                                            

d) Printer

45. In MS-Word, format painter is used to:
a) Paint the background of text                                                      

b) Paint the fore-ground of text
c) To copy the formatting and content
d) To copy the formatting of one segment to other segment

46. Which of the following is not a menu
a) Window                                                                                               

b) Help
c) Tools bar                                                                                              

d) Insert

47. Which key should be pressed to start a new paragraph in MS Word?
a) Down cursor Key                                                                               

b) Enter key
c) Shift + Enter                                                                                       

d) Ctrl + Enter

48. Which of the following bar is not available in MS-Word
a) Toolbar                                                                                                  

b) Formula Bar
c) Status Bar                                                                                            

d) Menu Bar

49. Pressing F8 key for three times selects
a) A word                                                                                                  

b) A sentence
c) A paragraph                                                                                        

d) Entire document

50. The Keystrokes Ctrl + I is used to
a) Increase font size                                                                            

b) Inserts a line break
c) Indicate the text should be bold                                                 

d) Applies italic format to selected text

 Note:- Given answer are based on different source available in internet.

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